1-bit Barbecue Apps

Sphereus Unleashed Premium 2.4
1-bit Barbecue
You are an alien sphere that got caught byawormhole and pulled through space and time. The wormholethrustsyou directly towards a black hole, the oblivion of allmatter.Luckily for you, the strange dimension near the black holeisfilled with debris, other objects and mysterious dark matter.Bydevouring dark matter you've got a chance to break free fromthedeadly black hole.Consume the debris, gain mass, overpower the black holeandbecome a dark star.Collect mysterious dark matter and grow without limit.Grow, change the laws of gravity, move without limitationsanddominate the entire dimension.Control gravity, move around through a multilevel stage andlearnto float without limit.Balance the rush to victory and your control over the sphere,sinceas your mass grows so does your weight and momentum.Sphereus Unleashed is an action game with elements of apuzzleand arcade game.The player controls an alien sphere with the goal to gain asmuchmass as possible. The player can consume the black hole itselfoncehe has reached critical mass. At that point he becomes a darkstar.The sphere is controlled by changing the direction ofthegravitational pull, which controls the sphere's movementdirectionand speed.
Sphereus Unleashed Free 2.5
You are an alien sphere that got caught by a wormhole and pulledthrough space and time. The wormhole thrusts you directly towards ablack hole, the oblivion of all matter. Luckily for you, thestrange dimension near the black hole is filled with debris, otherobjects and mysterious dark matter. By devouring dark matter you'vegot a chance to break free from the deadly black hole. Consume thedebris, gain mass, overpower the black hole and become a dark star.Collect mysterious dark matter and grow without limit. Grow, changethe laws of gravity, move without limitations and dominate theentire dimension. Control gravity, move around through a multilevelstage and learn to float without limit. Balance the rush to victoryand your control over the sphere, since as your mass grows so doesyour weight and momentum. Sphereus Unleashed is an action game withelements of a puzzle and arcade game. The player controls an aliensphere with the goal to gain as much mass as possible. The playercan consume the black hole itself once he has reached criticalmass. At that point he becomes a dark star. The sphere iscontrolled by changing the direction of the gravitational pull,which controls the sphere's movement direction and speed.